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Refers to any instrument with hierarchy of law at the national level issued by the legislative branch of a country and which has a direct and concrete link to environmental and climate issues.


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Environmental legislation in the region

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Evolution of environmental legislation in the region over time

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Topics addressed by environmental legislation in the region

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Environmental legislation and its impact on economic sectors

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List of environmental laws

  • Venezuela
    Ley orgánica de hidrocarburos.
    Environmental Legislation
    Gaceta Oficial Nº 38.493
    In force
  • Venezuela
    Ley de residuos y desechos sólidos.
    Environmental Legislation
    Gaceta Oficial Nº 38.068
    In force
  • Venezuela
    Ley general de marinas y actividades conexas.
    Environmental Legislation
    Gaceta Oficial Nº 37.570
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system
  • Venezuela
    Decreto ley nº 1.468/01 - ley de zonas costeras.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system
  • Venezuela
    Ley sobre el mar territorial, plataforma continental, protección de la pesca y espacio aéreo.
    Environmental Legislation
    Gaceta Oficial Nº 496
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 297-2013 ─ ley de cambio climático.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 120-2013 ─ ley orgánica de las zonas de empleo y desarrollo económico (zede).
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Industry & manufacturing
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 238-2012 — ley general de minería.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Mining & quarrying
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 50-2012 - programa de apoyo a la agricultura familiar.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 137-2011 - modifica el decreto nº 12-2000, ley para el desarrollo rural sostenible.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 279-2010 - ley especial reguladora de proyectos públicos de energía renovable.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
  • Honduras
    Decreto no. 75-2010 - les especial de las áreas protegidas de las islas de la bahía.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 181-2009 ─ ley general de aguas.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 400-2013 - deroga el decreto nº 134/99, que crea la procuraduría del ambiente y recursos naturales.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
  • Honduras
    Decreto nº 295-2013 - modifica el decreto nº 144/07, ley para la producción y consumo de biocombustibles.
    Environmental Legislation
    In force
    Agriculture, forestry, livestock, fishing and food system